Cropped view of sick senior man combining jigsaw puzzle dementia therapy

What Is Vascular Dementia? An In-Depth Overview

Vascular dementia, the second most common type of dementia after Alzheimer’s disease, is a significant concern for aging individuals and their families. As you explore senior living options for retirement, understanding what is vascular dementia becomes crucial. This condition affects cognitive functions and arises due to reduced blood flow to the brain. Understanding Vascular Dementia…

Brain Function Loss

Lewy Body Vs. Vascular Dementia: How Are They Different?

When exploring senior living options for retirement, it’s essential to understand various health conditions that may affect the elderly. A common concern is dementia, and specifically, understanding the differences between Lewy body dementia and vascular dementia. Both conditions affect cognitive abilities but have distinct characteristics and progression patterns. What is Lewy Body Dementia? Lewy body…